August 24 to 26, 2018 · Bingen and Waldalgesheim, Germany

In cooperation with Tierklinik Binger Wald

This course will show the participants the importance of understanding fascia, its 3-D network, the identification of fascia restrictions and the use of the kinetic lines and points release technique to restore locomotion and body balance. The theoretical part of the course will go through fascia in general: superficial and profound fascia, embryology, anatomy and histology as well as myofascial kinetic lines in horses following the human model of Thomas Myers. Thereafter, fascia dysfuntion and its influence on biomechanics both in the spine and the limbs will be emphasized. The treatment modality that will be demonstrated and practiced in this course by the participants is the Myofascial Kinetic Lines Release technique. CE accreditation by ATF (Akademie für Tierärztliche Fortbildung) will be seeked!


Friday, August 24 | Lectures 9:30 to 18:00 hours
(ATF accredited with 7 hours)
Hotel NH Bingen
With Tove Due, Rikke Schultz and Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd

  • Role of fascia. Relevant research
  • Equine fascia
  • Equine kinetic myofascial lines: Anatomy and function
  • Equine kinetic myofascial lines: Tests and points

Saturday, August 25 | Practical work 9:00 to 18:00 hours
(ATF accredited with 7 hours)
Tierklinik Binger Wald
With Tove Due, Rikke Schultz and Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd

  • Morning: Demonstration and practice of the localization of the myofascial kinetic lines and points
  • Afternoon: Participants will be divided into 3 groups and rotate among: 1) Anatomical details; 2) Demonstration treatment of kinetic lines; 3) Demonstration of treatment kinetic line points.

Sunday, August 26 | Hands on 8:30 to 16:00 hours
(ATF accredited with 6 hours)
Tierklinik Binger Wald
With Tove Due, Rikke Schultz and Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd

  • Participants will practice the treatment of the myofascial kinetic lines and points
  • General discussion.