Bingen&Waldalgesheim, Germany, October 26 to 29, 2017
There are no places left for this course. We are planning another course on the subject in 2018. Please send me an email and we will contact you as soon as we know all details.
In cooperation with Tierklinik Binger Wald
Equine Fascia Days accredited by the Akademie für tierärztliche Fortbildung (Academy for Continuous Veterinary Education, Germany) October 26 7 hours, October 27 8 hours, October 28 8 hours, October 29 6 hours.
This course will show the participants the importance of understanding fascia, its 3-D network, the identification of fascia restrictions and the use of treatment modalities to restore locomotion. The theoretical part of the course will go through fascia in general: superficial and profound fascia, embryology, anatomy and histology as well as myofascial kinetic lines in horses following the human model of Thomas Myers. Thereafter, fascia pathology and its influence on biomechanics both in the spine and the limbs will be emphasized. Different treatment methods like Fascial Manipulation by Luigi Stecco in humans, a novel acupuncture technique for the Myofascial Kinetic Lines, direct and indirect techniques as well as well-known and novel methods of measuring muscle activity for quali- and quantitative evaluation of therapeutic effects will be introduced. In the practical part, horses will undergo the normal veterinary clinical examination, followed by measurements of muscle function and health with different diagnostic methods. These will serve to evaluate on horses the effect of the different treatment modalities. The participants will practice all treatment methods.
Thursday, October 26 | Lectures 9:30 to 18:00 hours
Hotel NH Bingen | ATF acknowledgement is being requested
With Adrian Harrison, Tuulia Luomala, Rikke Schultz and Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd
- Role of fascia. Relevant research
- Equine fascia – Back, hindquarter, shoulder, neck
- Equine myofascial lines
- Fascia release and the effect on the muscles – can we measure this?
Friday, October 27 | Practical work 9:00 to 18:30 hours
Tierklinik Binger Wald | ATF acknowledgement is being requested
With Adrian Harrison, Kai Kreling, Tuulia Luomala, Rikke Schultz and Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd
- Examination of horses with locomotion problems. Participants will rotate with their case among:
- Clinical veterinary exam;
- Accoustic Myography (AMG);
- Fascia restriction;
- Myofascia kinetic lines;
- Anatomical details.
Saturday, October 28 | 9:00 to 18:30 hours
ATF acknowledgement is being requested
With Adrian Harrison, Kai Kreling, Tuulia Luomala, Rikke Schultz and Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd
Morning lectures at Hotel NH Bingen
- Discussion of measurements and examinations of day 2 and the fascia treatment options
Afternoon practical work in Tierklinik Binger Wald
- Participants will manually treat the horses of day 2
- AMG measurement of horses
Sunday, October 29 | Hands on 9:00 to 17:00 hours
Tierklinik Binger Wald | ATF acknowledgement is being requested
With Adrian Harrison, Kai Kreling, Tuulia Luomala, Rikke Schultz and Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd
- Discussion of the treatments on day 3 and AMG measurements
- Practicing fascia testing and treatment: 1) Stecco method; 2) Kinetic line methods
- AMG measurements
- General discussion and presentation of the AMG results.