August 30 to September 3, 2024 · Bonn, Germany

Reading & using Magnetic Resonance and Computer Tomography Images of Horses

This hybrid course will allow you to advance your CT and MR image reading and finding interpretation skills. The course will not provide foundation training on CT and MR imaging. Thus, in the case that you are not so experienced with these modalities or like to refresh your knowledge, please consider booking the Foundation Training recordings of 2021 at

These they are:

  1. MR Imaging 2021-01 and 2021-02: Online Live Events – recorded on May 12 and 13, 2021 presented by Natasha Werpy: MR image reading foundation training
  2. CT Imaging 2021-01: Online Live Event – recorded on May 7th presented by Maren Hellige and Gabriel Manso Diaz

The Academy for Continuous Veterinary Education (Akademie fuer Tieraerztliche Fortbildung, ATF) credits each day 7 hours of Continuous Professional Education.

Supported by Qalibra

and its User Meeting in Berlin, Germany, September 5 and 6!


August 30, Friday
CT imaging with Gabriel Manso Diaz and Maren Hellige

  • 09:00 – Distal limb: Anatomy quiz
  • 09:15 – Distal limb: Foot, pastern and fetlock
  • 10:15 – Coffee break
  • 10:45 – Metacarpus and Metatarsus
  • 11:30 – Carpus and tarsus
  • 12:15 – Lunch
  • 13:15 – Stifle
  • 14:00 – Reading CT images of the limbs
  • 15:30 – Coffee break
  • 16:00 – Reading CT images of the limbs
  • 18:00 – End

August 31, Saturday
CT imaging with Gabriel Manso Diaz and Maren Hellige

  • 09:00 – Head: Anatomy quiz
  • 09:15 – CT of dental diseases
  • 09:45 – Temporal bone and hyoid apparatus
  • 10:30 – Soft tissues
  • 11:00 – Coffee break
  • 11:30 – CT of the spine I: Facet joints (fragmentation, fractures, enlargement…)
  • 12:00 – CT of the spine II: Vertebrae, fractures, vertebral canal, ligaments, myelograms
  • 12:30 – Journal club
  • 13:00 – Lunch
  • 14:00 – Reading CT images of the head
  • 15:45 – Coffee break
  • 16:15 – Reading CT images of the spine
  • 18:00 – End

September 1, Sunday
Comparison CT & MR imaging
With Myra Barrett, Maren Hellige, Gabriel Manso Diaz and Natasha Werpy

  • 09:00 – CT vs MR images of osseus and articular diseases. Maren
  • 10:00 – CT vs MR images of tendons and ligaments. Myra
  • 11:00 – Coffee break
  • 11:30 – CT vs MR images of the head. Gabriel
  • 12:15 – CT myelogram cases with flexion and extension. Natasha
  • 13:15 – Lunch
  • 14:15 – Reading CT-MR images. Gabriel and Maren
  • 15:45 – Coffee break
  • 16:15 – Case based multimodality imaging – How MRI integrates with other diagnostic imaging tools. Natasha and Myra
  • 17:45 – End
  • 18:15 – Tour, beverages and dinner

September 2, Monday
MR imaging with Myra Barrett and Natasha Werpy

  • 9:00 – Understanding the use of MRI sequences and imaging planes to most accurately identify and characterize abnormalities
  • 10:15 – Coffee break
  • 10:45 – Foot
  • 12:00 – Lunch
  • 13:00 – Palmar pastern and digital sheath
  • 14:15 – Short break
  • 14:25 – 1st round reading images
  • 16:00 – Coffee break
  • 16:30 – 2nd round reading images
  • 18:00 – End

September 3, Tuesday
MR imaging with Myra Barrett and Natasha Werpy

  • 9:00 – Understanding the progression of injury over time and the value of recheck examinations
  • 10:15 – Coffee break
  • 10:45 – Fetlock
  • 12:00 – Lunch
  • 13:00 – Fore and hind proximal suspensory ligament with distal carpus/tarsus
  • 14:15 – Short break
  • 14:25 – 3rd round reading images
  • 16:00 – Coffee break
  • 16:30 – 4th round reading images
  • 18:00 – End


Early registration date is 01.07.2024! Course price is reduced by 5% for FFP members, two or more persons from the same practice / clinic and by 15% for Residents.

I want to register for: (net prices in Euro, please add 19 % VAT for EU citizens without VAT ID and always for German citizens)*

* Includes all coffee breaks and lunch buffets
§ Please indicate which days you like to come
# Includes tour, dinner and beverages

§ Please indicate which days you like to come*

You will receive a confirmation of your registration within 24 hours, otherwise please send an email to arnolindner(at) to be attended properly.

Myra Barrett

is an associate professor of equine diagnostic imaging at Colorado State University and a founding partner of Inside Information Radiology, an equine teleradiology company that serves an international equine community. Her area of interest and research within diagnostic imaging are orthopedic and sports medicine cases, and she works closely with other experts in these fields. She is a founding member and former president of the American College of Veterinary Radiology – Equine Diagnostic Imaging subspecialty. Myra is dedicated to the advancement of equine diagnostic imaging and educational outreach and collaboration with equine practitioners.

Maren Hellige

studied veterinary medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Subsequently she received her doctoral thesis at the Equine Clinic of the Freie Universität Berlin. From 2002 – 2007 she qualified as a veterinary specialist for horses at a private veterinary clinic in Germany. Since 2008 she works in the Equine Clinic of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, where she deals primarily with orthopedic cases and all the different imaging modalities (Ultrasound, X – ray, CT and high-field MRI). She did her residency in Diagnostic Imaging (Large Animal Alternative Track) at the RVC in London and is board certified by the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging.

Gabriel Manso Diaz

graduated from Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Spain, before completing a Master’s program in research in veterinary sciences. He then went on to complete a PhD in advanced imaging modalities (CT and MRI) for the diagnosis of equine head disorders. After this, he undertook a residency in Diagnostic Imaging (Large Animal Track) at the Royal Veterinary College (London, UK) and obtained board certification in the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the UCM and splits his time between clinical referral work as an equine radiologist and teaching and research in large animal diagnostic imaging.

Natasha Werpy

graduated from the Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO (CSU). After completing an equine internship in 1999-2000, she completed a year imaging internship with Norm Rantanen. Then she did a diagnostic imaging residency with Norm and at CSU. She is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Radiology. She worked as the Medical Imaging Director at the Gail Holmes Equine Orthopedic Research Center at CSU under Wayne McIlwraith from 2004–2011. She was an Associate Professor of Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Florida in Gainesville from 2011 – 2016. Since 2016 she has worked as a private practice consultant working with different imaging modalities for US and international clinics.

Dates & Locations

August 30 to September 3, 2024 | Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI)

– see address below


Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI)
Langer Grabenweg 68
53175 Bonn · Germany
Phone +49 (0) 228 81 07 223 ·

I have reserved a room contingent until the end of early registration for Euro 89 single occupancy (price includes German VAT but not 6% City tax, charged since 01.01.2024). When interested please write me!

Further information

Further information

Arbeitsgruppe Pferd – Task Force Horse

Arno Lindner

Heinrich-Röttgen-Str. 20, 52428 Jülich, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 2461 340-430; Fax: -484;;

Equine MR & CT Imaging Days
Early registration date is 01.07.2024! Course price is reduced by 5% for FFP members, two or more persons from the same practice / clinic and by 15% for Residents.
I want to register for: (net prices in Euro, please add 19 % VAT for EU citizens without VAT ID and always for German citizens)
* Includes all coffee breaks and lunch buffets, § Please indicate which days you like to come, # Includes tour, dinner and beverages
§ Please indicate which days you like to come
Payment by
You will receive a confirmation of your registration within 24 hours, otherwise please send an email to arnolindner(at) to be attended properly.